Weather forecast for the Pennine Way in March

The Pennine Way, a famous trail in northern England, has tough weather in March.

In the Peak District, the weather is cold and damp, with daytime temperatures around 6°C and nighttime lows near 1°C. It rains often, and you might see some snow. The skies are usually cloudy.

As you move north into the Yorkshire Dales and the North Pennines, it remains cold, with similar temperatures—highs around 6-7°C and lows near 0°C. Rain is even more common here, with chances of snow, and the skies stay mostly overcast.

In the Cumbria and Northumberland areas, it gets a bit warmer. Highs are around 8-9°C and lows are around 2-3°C. The weather is still mostly cloudy with some rain, but you might see more sunshine and lighter rain as you go on.

Overall, expect a cold, wet, and cloudy journey in March on the Pennine Way. The weather changes a bit as you move through different regions, with occasional snow or sleet.

Start date
Mar 1
Start town
End date
Mar 20
End town
Kirk Yetholm
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
420 km
Daily distance
21.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.9 mm/day

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