Weather forecast for the Pennine Way in May

The Pennine Way stretches from Edale in the Peak District to Kirk Yetholm in the Scottish Borders, covering different regions with various weather patterns in May.

In the southern part, starting from Edale and going through places like Crowden and Standedge, expect cool temperatures. Highs are around 11°C and lows are about 3-4°C. It's often rainy, with frequent showers and overcast skies.

Moving to the central part, which includes areas like Calder Valley, Ponden, and Thornton-in-Craven, temperatures get a bit warmer. Highs are around 12-13°C and lows are 4-5°C. It still rains a lot, with patchy rain and overcast skies being common.

In the northern part, covering places like Malham, Horton in Ribblesdale, and up to Dufton, temperatures stay consistent. Highs are around 11-12°C and lows between 3-5°C. Rain and overcast skies continue, with slightly more rain on average.

In the final northern section, from Garrigill to Kirk Yetholm, temperatures rise slightly. Highs are around 12-14°C and lows are about 6-7°C. Rain and overcast skies still dominate this section.

Overall, May on the Pennine Way is cool and damp with frequent rain and mostly cloudy skies. While precipitation varies, temperatures remain fairly similar throughout the route.

Start date
May 1
Start town
End date
May 20
End town
Kirk Yetholm
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
420 km
Daily distance
21.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.8 mm/day

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