Weather forecast for the Pennine Way in October

The Pennine Way in October has various weather and temperature changes as you travel through different regions.

- Southern Pennines: Starts with moderate autumn temperatures. Highs are about 14°C, and lows around 8°C. Expect mixed weather: moderate to heavy rain, some sunshine, and partly cloudy skies. Rain can be heavy on some days.

- Standedge and Calder Valley: Further north, it gets slightly cooler. Highs are 13-14°C, and lows around 8°C. Rain remains common, including overcast skies and occasional showers.

- Central Pennines (Ponden and Thornton-in-Craven): Cooler with highs of 12-13°C and lows around 7°C. More frequent heavy rain with cloudy and partly cloudy days.

- Northern Pennines (Langdon Beck, Dufton, Garrigill): Noticeably colder. Highs are 10-12°C, and lows 4-6°C. Overcast skies with patchy to moderate rain. Light snow is possible in higher areas.

- Northumberland (Greenhead, Bellingham, Byrness, Windy Gyle): Cool and damp at the route's end. Highs are around 11°C, and lows 6°C. Frequent overcast skies, moderate rain, and occasional sunny intervals.

Overall, expect mainly cool and wet conditions with cloudy, overcast, and rainy days, and some sunshine. It gets colder and rainier as you move north.

Start date
Oct 1
Start town
End date
Oct 20
End town
Kirk Yetholm
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
420 km
Daily distance
21.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.1 mm/day

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