Weather forecast for the Pennine Way in September

The Pennine Way, going through the central part of England, usually has a mix of cloudy skies, some rain, and a bit of sunshine in September. During the trip, you can expect mild temperatures, with highs between 13°C and 17°C and lows between 6°C and 11°C. Rain is common, and sometimes it may rain more heavily.

At the beginning of the route in the Peak District, the weather is generally mild to cool with frequent clouds and some rain. Moving north to the Yorkshire Dales, the mixed weather continues, with a bit more rain and slightly cooler temperatures.

Further north in the North Pennines, it gets a bit cooler, and cloudy weather becomes more common. This area also gets more rain, especially near places like Langdon Beck and Dufton.

The last parts of the route, going through the Cheviots towards the Scottish border, usually have cloudy skies, some rain, and cooler temperatures. The northernmost areas may get more continuous rain, with slightly lower temperatures but still mild for September.

Start date
Sep 1
Start town
End date
Sep 20
End town
Kirk Yetholm
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
420 km
Daily distance
21.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.4 mm/day

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