Weather forecast for the Camino del Piamonte in January

The Camino del Piamonte walking trail has different types of weather because of its various locations. In Narbonne, where it begins, weather is generally mild with temperatures ranging around 7-12°C. You can expect both sunny and cloudy days and sometimes rain.

Walking further into the inland areas like Saint-André-de-Roquelongue, Lagrasse, and Carcassonne, it becomes cooler. The average high and low temperatures here are around 10°C and 2°C, respectively. It tends to rain more in these areas and the days can often be cloudy.

The middle part of the journey includes Montreal, Fanjeaux, and Mirepoix. Here, the high temperatures are between 8°C-9°C and it can go down to freezing. Weather varies with sun, partial clouds, light rain, and sometimes heavy rain or light freezing rain.

In mountain areas like Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges, Portet d'Aspet, and Juzet-d'Izaut, it gets even colder. High temperatures may just reach 2°C-4°C and it can drop down to -4°C. Snow is common here along with overcast and partly cloudy days.

At the end of your walk in Bruges, Buzy, and Oloron-Sainte-Marie, it gets a bit warmer, with high temperatures at 9°C-10°C and lows from 2°C-4°C. Rain is more common here and can vary from light to heavy showers. The days can be sunny, partly cloudy, or overcast.

Start date
Jan 1
Start town
End date
Jan 26
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
595 km
Daily distance
22.9 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.6 mm/day

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