The Camino del Piamonte starts in Narbonne and goes through places like Saint-André-de-Roquelongue, Lagrasse, and more. The weather in June is usually sunny with average temperatures in the 20s°C, although it may rain sometimes.
As you travel through Mirepoix, Pamiers, and others, the weather starts getting a little colder, with temperatures in the low 20s°C. It can also rain more frequently here, so be ready for wet weather.
When you reach the higher areas of Castillon-en-Couserans and Portet d'Aspet, it gets even cooler. The temperature will usually be in the teens and there might be more rain. This weather continues in places like Juzet-d'Izaut, and Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges.
Towards the end of the journey through towns like Bruges, Buzy, and more, it starts getting warmer again. There are more sunny days but it might still rain sometimes. The temperatures now rise back to the mid-20s°C.
In summary, the weather on the Camino del Piamonte can change a lot. You will experience a mix of sunny and rainy days with temperatures ranging from the teens to the mid-20s°C.
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