Weather forecast for the Camino del Piamonte in October

The Camino Del Piamonte starts in Narbonne, and goes through areas like Saint-André-de-Roquelongue, Lagrasse, and Carcassonne. Here, you can expect sun, some clouds, and maybe a little bit of rain. The temperature can be cool to warm, around 15-23°C.

Then, as you move further into areas like Fanjeaux, Mirepoix, and Pamiers, it gets a bit colder with temperatures around 9-20°C. Here, you'll have both sunny and cloudy days, but there will also be more rain.

In the mountain areas like Castillon-en-Couserans and Portet d'Aspet, it gets even cooler. You can expect temperatures of about 5-12°C, with sun, some clouds, and sometimes very light snow or heavy rain.

As you continue through places like Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges and Montserié, the weather stays the same.

Towards the end of your route through places like Moulin des Baronnies, Bagnères-de-Bigorre, and Oloron-Sainte-Marie, it gets a bit warmer. Temperatures are around 8-19°C. Here, you often have sunny days, but can also expect some rain or cloudy days.

The last part of your journey goes through regions like L'Hôpital-Saint-Blaise, Mauléon-Licharre, and Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. The weather here is less steady. You have sunny and cloudy days, and often moderate to heavy rain. Temperatures are about 12-20°C.

So, most of the route has good weather with lots of sun, but you'll also probably have some rain.

Start date
Oct 1
Start town
End date
Oct 26
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
595 km
Daily distance
22.9 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.0 mm/day

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