Weather forecast for the Camino Portugués Central in May

Walking from Lisboa on the Camino Portugués route in May, you will likely experience weather changes. In the beginning, expect sunny days with occasional moderate to heavy rainfalls in places like Alpriate and Vila Franca de Xira. Day temperatures will be around 20-24°C, with cooler nights.

In places like Santarém, Golegã and Tomar, days will mostly be sunny. However, there will be chances of cloudy weather and some rain showers. Day temperatures in these areas will remain in the early to mid-20s, and nights will be around 10-12°C.

For the part from Alvaiázere to Cernache, you might see heavy rain showers along with some sun. Temperatures will mostly stay in the lower 20s during the day, cooling to the low teens or high single digits at night.

Between Coimbra, Sernadelo, and Águeda, the weather can be sunny or partly cloudy. Also, moderate to heavy rain showers are likely. The day temperatures will stay in the low 20s, with cooler nights in the low teens.

From Albergaria-a-Velha to Grijó and Porto, expect more sunshine along with a chance of rainfall. Day temperatures will remain in the low twenties, and nights will cool to the lower teens.

Walking through Vilarinho to Santiago de Compostela, passing through Barcelos, Ponte de Lima and Tui, you will encounter different weather conditions. Some days will be sunny, others partly cloudy, and there may be some rain showers. The temperatures during the day will be in the high teens to low 20s, cooling down to 10-12°C in the evenings.

This overview is for an early May start, walking the standard stages.
But, I'll be happy to make one specifically for this forecast.

Zoom in and click on town for more info.

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Start date
Apr 21
Start town
End date
May 12
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
521 km
Daily distance
23.7 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.7 mm/day

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