The Camino Portugués starts in Lisbon, Portugal and ends in Santiago de Compostela, Spain and the weather in June varies along the way.
In Portugal, from Lisbon to Porto, it's mostly warm with temperatures averaging between 24°C to 25°C. The weather is usually sunny with some possible rain. The night temperatures are between 13°C to 17°C.
When you cross Porto and go further North into Spain, the temperatures stay relatively the same but it gets rainier. Rain showers can happen sometimes in places like Grijó, Sernadelo, and Ponte de Lima.
Once you reach Spain, especially in places like Tui, Redondela, and finally Santiago de Compostela, you'll see both sunny and cloudy weather. There can be some rainy periods as well. The temperature is slightly lower, with highs of 22°C to 25°C and lows dropping to around 12°C to 14°C.
Generally, the weather in June on the Camino Portugués is warm and pleasant with mostly sunny days and occasional rain showers. The weather in Portugal is warmer compared to the slightly cooler and more varied weather in Northern Spain.
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