If you're walking the Spiritual Variant of the Portuguese Camino in March, get ready for plenty of rain. Whether you're in the countryside or by the sea, you'll likely see a fair amount of rainfall.
Temperatures stay about the same throughout this journey, with the average highest temperatures being 13-14°C, and lowest around 5-7°C. Just remember that it may be a bit colder if you're closer to the sea in places like Vilanova de Arousa.
Overcast (cloudy but dry) days are usual at this time, with some sunny stretches in between. This can make the temperature feel cooler. Sometimes, you might see some foggy weather as well.
In terms of rain, Armenteira and Arcade get a bit more rain than other places, with an average of 8.1 mm/day and 7.8 mm/day, respectively. The good news is when you get closer to Santiago de Compostela, the rainfall decreases to about 3.4 mm/day.
To sum up, be ready to experience different weather conditions, from sunshine to moderate and heavy rain, on this route.
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