Weather forecast for the Camino Portugués: Faro - Santarém in August

The Camino Portugués route from Faro to Santarém goes through the Algarve and Alentejo regions in Portugal. In the Algarve, expect sunny weather with little chance of rain. Daytime temperatures are usually between 29°C and 34°C, and nighttime temperatures are around 18°C to 20°C. It is mostly dry, making it good for walking.

As you travel north to the Alentejo region, the sunny weather continues, though there might be a few cloudy days and rare rain. Temperatures are similar, with highs around 31°C to 34°C and lows between 15°C and 20°C. It still stays mostly dry.

In summary, from Faro to Santarém, you will experience warm to hot days, cooler nights, and mostly dry, sunny weather.

Start date
Aug 1
Start town
End date
Aug 20
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
464 km
Daily distance
23.2 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
0.1 mm/day

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