In the Algarve (including Faro, Loulé, and Almodôvar), you can expect mild and steady weather. Daytime temperatures are usually 15-17°C, with night temperatures between 10-12°C. There are many sunny days, but sometimes it will be cloudy or rainy. Rainfall averages 1-3 mm/day, though some places might get more rain.
In the Alentejo region (including Castro Verde, Grândola, and Santarém), the weather is less predictable. Daytime temperatures are still mild at 15-17°C, but nights can be cooler, ranging from 7-14°C. It rains more often here, with some days seeing moderate to heavy rain. Expect more clouds, though there will be some sunny periods.
Overall, expect a mix of sunny and rainy days with comfortable temperatures for walking during the day and cooler evenings. Be ready for changing weather, especially when moving from the Algarve to Alentejo.
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