Weather forecast for the Camino Portugués: Faro - Santarém in May

The Camino Portugués from Faro to Santarém goes through different parts of Portugal, each with its own weather in May.

In the Algarve region, including Faro, Loulé, and Salir, you will usually find mild and pleasant weather. High temperatures are around 21-22°C, and lows are about 13-14°C. It is mostly sunny with some clouds or light rain. Rainfall is low, usually less than 1 mm/day, but sometimes there are moderate showers.

As you go north to Alentejo, in towns like Almodôvar, Castro Verde, and Grândola, the weather stays mild but becomes a bit less predictable. Highs range from 20-26°C, and lows are about 12-15°C. There are still many sunny days, but this area can have heavier rain showers and more overcast skies. Rainfall is a little higher, especially in some towns.

Moving further north to the Ribatejo region, including places like Benavente, Muge, and Santarém, it gets warmer. Highs are around 23-27°C, and lows are about 12-13°C. Clear skies and sunny weather are common, but there is a higher chance of rain, with some days having moderate to heavy showers. Rainfall can be more significant on some days.

In summary, from Faro to Santarém in May, you can expect mostly sunny and mild to warm weather with some rain showers, especially as you go inland and north.

Start date
May 1
Start town
End date
May 20
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
464 km
Daily distance
23.2 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.5 mm/day

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