Weather forecast for the Camino Portugués: Faro - Santarém in October

The Camino Portugués from Faro to Santarém takes you through different weather zones in southern and central Portugal. Starting in the Algarve, around towns like Faro and Loulé, you'll mostly find sunny weather, with high temperatures of 25-29°C and lows of 17-19°C. Rain is rare, but occasional clouds are possible.

Moving into the Alentejo region, including places like Almodôvar and Castro Verde, it gets a bit cooler. Highs are 22-28°C, and lows are 14-18°C. The weather is still mostly sunny, but there are more cloudy days and a higher chance of rain, sometimes even heavy showers.

When you get to central Portugal, in areas such as Santarém, the weather becomes less predictable. Highs are 22-25°C, and lows are 13-15°C. You'll see a mix of sunny and cloudy days with a higher chance of rain showers, including some heavy rain.

In summary, you'll start your journey with sunny and dry weather in the south. As you move north, the weather becomes more mixed and rainy.

Start date
Oct 1
Start town
End date
Oct 20
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
464 km
Daily distance
23.2 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.1 mm/day

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