Weather forecast for the Camino Portugués Interior in April

The Camino Portugués Interior has changing weather in early spring. It usually gets warmer as you go. It starts in Lisboa, where it's often around 17 to 18°C during the day and 11°C at night. You might see some sun, but also expect both light and heavy rain.

As you move to Alpriate and Vila Franca de Xira, it'll get a bit warmer with highs around 18°C. You'll see more sunny days but there could still be some rain.

The weather in Azambuja and Santarém is similar, with temperatures going up to about 19°C in Santarém. There might be some rain, but you'll also see a mix of sunny and cloudy days.

As you continue on to Golegã and Tomar, the weather tends to be around 20°C, with possibly more rain. You'll have some cloudy days, but also some sunny ones.

As you move to Alvaiázere, Alvorge, and Cernache, you might see a bit more rain. By the time you reach Coimbra, expect some cloudy and some sunny days, with highs around 19°C.

Penacova, Mortágua, and Tondela might have more rain, which can sometimes be heavy. The temperature should stay the same, though, with highs of around 16-18°C and lows of 7-8°C.

Next, in Viseu, Almargem, and Ribolhos, expect a mix of light and heavy rain. This continues into Bigorne, Lamego, and Santa Marta de Penaguião, where the temperature stays steady and rain can be heavy.

In Vila Real, daytime temperatures are about 17°C, with the rain becoming more or less heavy. This weather will continue as you cross into Spain.

In Chaves, Verín, and Viladerrei, there might be more sunny days and less rain.

But as you get to the end of the trail in Santiago de Compostela, expect more rain. The city is known for cooler weather and regular showers. By the end of the trip, the temperature can go up to 19-21°C. Expect some sunny, cloudy and rainy days.

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Start date
Apr 1
Start town
End date
May 3
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
751 km
Daily distance
22.8 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.1 mm/day

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