Weather forecast for the Camino Portugués Interior in February

In February, Lisbon, Portugal usually has sunny weather with some rain now and then. When you move deeper into the country, the weather is similar with more sun and possible light or heavy rain. Temperatures start at 15°C and slowly go down to around 12°C by the time you get to Viseu.

When you go further north to Galicia, Spain, there's an increased chance for moderate to heavy rain showers. This is especially true in Mortágua and Tondela where the highest temperatures are around 11-12°C. Snowfall isn't common but can occur in higher areas around Viseu and Alvaiázere.

In the Spanish areas of Xinzo de Limia and Allariz, the weather can vary. Some days are sunny, while others are cloudier with occasional snow. The highest temperatures are typically 12-14°C and the lowest are around 3-5°C.

Near the end of the journey in Santiago de Compostela, there's a high chance for rain and cloudy skies. However, there can be some sunny breaks as well. Typical high temperatures are around 12°C, and the low is about 4°C.

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Start date
Feb 1
Start town
End date
Mar 5
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
751 km
Daily distance
22.8 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.9 mm/day

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