The weather on the Camino Portugués Interior route changes a lot. Lisbon, the starting point, generally has temperatures around 16°C in March. You can experience both sunny and rainy days. As you walk towards Alpriate and Vila Franca de Xira, the temperature stays comfortable, but there may be more rain.
The next parts of the journey to Azambuja and Santarém often have a little more rain, but temperatures stay the same. You should know that it can get a bit cooler as you move inland. The following stages to Golegã, Tomar, and Alvaiázere also have mixed weather. Temperatures hold steady between 8°C and 18°C.
The weather in central Portugal, through Alvorge, Cernache, and Coimbra, can be sunny, partly cloudy, or rainy. Average highs are around 18°C, but it can get down to 7°C. Moving north into Mortágua, and Tondela, the forecast is generally sunnier, but with some rain. Temperatures can drop between 5°C and 16°C towards Viseu and beyond, and there will be sunny and cloudy days, with less rain.
In Spain, at Verín, and as you walk to Xinzo de Limia and Allariz, temperatures are mild, around 16°C to 5°C. The weather changes often, from sunny to rainy. The last legs to Santiago de Compostela are cooler, with temperatures from 4°C to 14°C, and more frequent rain.
Overall, the weather on the Camino Portugués Interior route changes a lot. You will experience mild to warm temperatures, sunny and rainy days. It's advisable to prepare for both warm and cold weather, and rain.
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