If you travel on the Senda Litoral, the weather changes a lot. Often, there's sun or partly cloudy, but it can also rain a fair bit.
When you start in Porto, the weather is usually pretty good with some sunny days, some cloudy days, and sometimes it rains. Daytime temperatures are usually around 16-18°C, and at night it's usually about 9-10°C. On average, you can expect about 4-6 mm of rain each day.
The weather stays pretty much the same as you head north to Póvoa de Varzim, Marinhas, and Viana do Castelo. You'll have sunny days, but there'll also be moderate to heavy rain now and then. Daytime temperatures are about 15-18°C, and at night it's about 8-10°C. Each day, expect about 3-6 mm of rain.
The weather changes more when you reach the coastal areas of Caminha in Spain at Porto Mougás and Saians. There'll be more periods of light rain with some sunshine in between. Daytime temperatures are about 16-17°C, and at night it's about 9-10°C. Expect about 3-5 mm of rain each day.
As you go more inland through Redondela, Pontevedra, and Caldas de Reis, expect more heavy rain. There'll be some clear days, but it often rains a lot more. Daytime temperatures are around 16° and about 8-9°C at night. Rainfall varies a lot, sometimes reaching around 9 mm in a day.
Lastly, the weather is unpredictable through Padrón and Santiago de Compostela. There can be sunny days, but it's often overcast and it can rain heavily. Daytime temperatures are about 16°C, but at night it can get as cold as 6°C. Expect about 2-3 mm of rain each day.
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