Weather forecast for the Camino Portugués - Senda Litoral in February

The weather in Porto can be rainy or sunny, with temperatures around 13°C and often dropping to 8°C. There's usually some rain each day, about 6mm on average.

As you walk to areas like Póvoa de Varzim and Marinhas, you can expect more of the same weather. There are days when it's sunny and days when it's cloudy. Rainfall is more common here, sometimes more than 10mm per day. The temperatures don't change much, but it can feel colder at night, around 6-7°C.

Walking north to Viana do Castelo and Caminha, you'll likely see more sun. The temperatures stay at around 13°C during the day, and 8°C at night, with some moderate rain.

When you cross into Spain and arrive at Porto Mougás and Saians, the weather gets a bit cooler at 12°C during the day, and 6°C at night. It can rain heavily, especially in Saians, where there can be up to 8mm of rain a day.

The weather becomes even more varied in Redondela, Pontevedra, and Caldas de Reis, with a mix of sun, rain, and clouds. It gets colder here, with highs of 13°C and lows of 5-6°C. It still rains a lot, sometimes up to 12mm a day.

The final part of the walk to Santiago de Compostela gets even colder, with temperatures between 11°C and 3-4°C. The weather can be cloudy with some rain, and the average rainfall is about 8mm a day.

In short, on this walk you'll experience a mix of sunny, rainy, and cloudy days. If you're planning to walk it, make sure to prepare for all kinds of weather, whether it's sunny or rainy.

Start date
Feb 1
Start town
End date
Feb 12
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
281 km
Daily distance
23.4 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
6.7 mm/day

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