In March, Porto weather is a mix of sun, clouds, and some rain. Temperatures average between 8°C and 14°C. The next stops, including Vila Chã and Viana do Castelo, have rain showers and similar temperatures.
The weather gets more changeable in Caminha and Porto Mougás with sun and rain showers. Temperatures average between 7°C and 14°C.
When you reach Saians in Spain, expect some sunny days, cloud, and occasional rain showers. Temperatures are around 7°C and 14°C, and thunder showers may occur.
Towards the end in Galicia, expect sun, rain showers, and cloud cover with slightly warmer temperatures, from around 4°C up to 16°C.
Throughout the trip, rain levels fluctuate, with March usually seeing varied amounts of rain across the area.
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