Weather forecast for the Camino Primitivo in March

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Forecast settings

Start date
Mar 1
Start town
End date
Mar 14
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)

Summary of your Camino

Total days
Total distance
306 km
Daily distance
21.8 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.9 mm/day

Camino Primitivo's long walk crosses many weather zones. It starts in Oviedo, where the weather changes a lot. Then, moving to Grado and Salas, you can expect some rain and clouds but also some sun. It's typically cool, with temperatures often between 4 and 13 degrees Celsius.

Then it goes through Tineo, Borres, and Berducedo, where temperatures can drop to between 6 and 12 degrees. It also rains often here, and the sky is often covered with clouds.

Next, you reach Grandas de Salime and A Fonsagrada, where the weather gets a little better. It's still cool, but rain is not as frequent and you may see some sunny moments. The temperatures generally remain around 3 to 14 degrees.

In O Cádavo and Lugo, expect more sun and a little warmth. But still, prepare for some rainy and cloudy days. Temperatures are usually between 4 and 15 degrees here.

The weather changes often in Ferreira and Melide, with heavy rain and sunny times. It typically stays cool, around 3 to 13 degrees.

Finally, you reach Santiago de Compostela via O Pedrouzo. Here the weather is mixed, with sun, clouds, and some rain. Temperatures are slightly higher, about 4 to 15 degrees.

In summary, if you walk the Camino Primitivo in March, expect cool temperatures with rain and sun along the way. The weather changes often, so be prepared.

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