Weather forecast for the Camino Primitivo in May

The Camino Primitivo in northern Spain has different weather conditions. It can switch from rainy to sunny days during your trip.

You'll probably see a lot of rain in areas over Asturias. Towns like Oviedo or Grado often have light rain which can become heavier. The temperatures here remain in a tolerable range, with the maximum at around 15-17°C and the minimum at 7-9°C. This does not change much as you move towards Salas or Tineo, just gets a bit warmer.

When you reach Galicia, via A Fonsagrada, the chance of rain is still there but you also get sunny and somewhat cloudy days. The temperatures are usually a bit higher here, around high teens, and can go down to 8 or 9°C, mainly in hillier areas.

Santiago de Compostela, the last stop, greets you with less rain. It's a mix of light rain, cloudy skies, and sun. The temperatures stay mild, going up to around 18°C and dropping to around 8°C.

So, in Camino Primitivo, be ready for a journey with rain and sun, no matter where you are. The temperatures stay comfortably cool.

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Start date
May 1
Start town
End date
May 14
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
306 km
Daily distance
21.8 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.9 mm/day

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