The Chemin de Saint-Gilles begins in the region around Le Puy-en-Velay, where the weather in February is typically cold, with average high temperatures around 4°C and lows dipping to around -1°C. Precipitation is moderate, with a tendency towards overcast skies and occasional rain or snow. As you progress towards Costaros and Pradelles, expect similar weather conditions, with temperatures remaining chilly and frequent cloud cover or precipitation.
Continuing through Labastide-Puylaurent to Villefort, you will notice a slight variation, with Villefort experiencing somewhat milder temperatures, reaching highs of 8°C. Precipitation is relatively more intense here, with an increase in rain showers compared to earlier sections of the route.
As the route moves into the regions closer to the Rhône Valley, including Génolhac and Portes, temperatures become milder, especially notable during the day with highs around 9°C to 10°C. There is a mix of sunshine and cloudy periods, with occasional rain showers.
Approaching Alès and continuing through to Nîmes and Saint-Gilles, the weather is generally more settled and warmer, with average highs around 9°C to 10°C and lows slightly above freezing. Precipitation decreases significantly, with more frequent sunny or partly cloudy days, offering a relatively drier and brighter climate as you reach the end of this segment.
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