Weather forecast for the Chemin de Saint-Gilles in November

The Chemin de Saint-Gilles sees a notable transition in weather patterns in November, as it progresses through different regions. Starting in the central regions, the temperatures typically range from lows around 4-5°C to highs around 9-14°C. The weather here is mixed, featuring a combination of sunny, overcast, and rainy conditions. Precipitation tends to vary, with some areas experiencing moderate to heavy rain at times.

As the route moves towards the southern coastal regions, the temperatures tend to be slightly milder, with lows around 9-10°C and highs reaching 16°C. The weather becomes more stable, with increased sunny days and a decrease in precipitation. Although rain is still possible, it is generally less frequent and lighter. Overall, the southern parts of the Chemin de Saint-Gilles enjoy a more temperate climate with fewer weather extremes.

Start date
Nov 1
Start town
Le Puy-en-Velay
End date
Nov 11
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
223 km
Daily distance
20.3 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
5.1 mm/day

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