Weather forecast for the Camino del Salvador in August

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Forecast settings

Start date
Aug 1
Start town
End date
Aug 6
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)

Summary of your Camino

Total days
Total distance
120 km
Daily distance
20.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.7 mm/day

The Camino del Salvador, which goes through the areas of León and Asturias, is usually sunny and warm during summer. This means you'll have a lot of warm and sunny days in August, although the weather can change and become less predictable.

Starting in León, it tends to be hot with temperatures often around 27°C. While it's usually sunny, you might also experience some light rain and occasionally heavier showers. There isn't usually a lot of rain, with an average of about 1 mm. So, for the most part, the weather is good for traveling, but you should be ready for some rain now and then.

As you continue to places like La Robla, Poladura de la Tercia, and Pajares, expect it to still be warm with average highs about 23-24°C. The sunny days keep up, but there might be a bit more rain, including heavier showers sometimes. The average rainfall in these areas is a little bit more, around 1.5 to 2.4 mm.

When you reach the Asturian region, where you'll visit places like Pola de Lena, Mieres, and Oviedo, temperatures will still be warm, but the highs could drop slightly to around 23-24°C. Rain is fairly common here and can range from light showers to heavier rainfall. On rarer occasions, you might have cloudy or overcast days. Even though the weather can vary, you'll still have sunny days most of the time.

In summary, if you're traveling the Camino del Salvador in August, you can mostly expect warm and sunny days, though there might be occasional rain showers or clouds. Despite these changes, the weather is usually good for hiking.

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