Weather forecast for the Camino del Salvador in January

The Camino del Salvador trail goes from León to Oviedo and the weather can vary in January. It's normally cold, especially at the start in León and La Robla, where it could also snow. Temperatures usually range from 1°C to 9°C, and there might be a small amount of rain.

The middle part of the trail, which includes Poladura de la Tercia and Pajares, can be slightly warmer with temperatures from 4°C to 11°C. There might be more rain here, which could be a bit heavy sometimes.

The final part of the trail goes through Pola de Lena and Mieres, and ends in Oviedo. The weather is a mix of sun, clouds, and sometimes there's a little freezing rain. Temperatures are usually between 3°C and 10°C. There could be more rainfall in Mieres and Oviedo, especially in Oviedo where it might reach up to 6mm.

Overall, the weather on the trail can include sunny days, partly cloudy skies, possible light freezing rain, and sometimes moderate or heavy rain showers. Temperatures can range from 1°C to 11°C, and the amount of rain can also change. The weather is usually colder at the beginning of the trail and gets warmer as you go, with increasing rainfall.

Start date
Jan 1
Start town
End date
Jan 6
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
120 km
Daily distance
20.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.9 mm/day

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