Weather forecast for the Camino del Salvador in May

When you start your trip in León, you'll find that May temperatures are usually between 4°C to 19°C. This makes it nice for walking during the day. The weather, however, is hard to predict as you go from León to Oviedo. Most days are sunny, but it also rains quite often too.

There are times when the weather can change several times in one day, from sunny to overcast to rainy. As you move along the route, you might experience more rain. For instance, Pola de Lena averages about 3.9 mm of rain in May. Be prepared for a mix of sun and rain during your trip.

You'll also likely encounter somewhat cloudy skies. Although this is less common in southern cities like León, it happens more often in northern cities like Oviedo.

In short, you can expect a mix of sun and rain with changing skies during your trip in May. Despite the occasional rain, the mild temperatures generally make for a pleasant journey.

Start date
May 1
Start town
End date
May 6
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
120 km
Daily distance
20.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.7 mm/day

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