Weather forecast for the Camino Sanabrés in July

If you journey along the Camino Sanabrés route in July, you'll generally have warm weather.

You start in Castilla y León, where it is usually hot during the day, at around 28 to 29°C. There, days are most often sunny and sometimes partly cloudy. You might encounter some brief, light rain, but it's not common.

As you continue into Galicia, temperatures stay similar, between 24°C and 30°C. Here, the weather can change more but is generally sunny. Galicia has slightly more cloudy days and light rain, but not significantly.

The end, around Santiago de Compostela, is a bit cooler at around 26°C and has a bit more rain. The weather here is often a bit cloudier, but you can still expect a good amount of sun and some light rain showers.

In conclusion, you can anticipate a lot of sun, warm temperatures, and some light rain and cloudy days along the Camino Sanabrés.

Start date
Jul 1
Start town
Granja de Moreruela
End date
Jul 14
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
363 km
Daily distance
26.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
0.6 mm/day
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