As you start the Camino Sanabrés, be ready for different types of weather. In March, in the first city, Granja de Moreruela, the weather can be sunny or cloudy with some heavy rain showers. The temperature may stay between 3°C and 13°C.
As you travel through Tábara, Santa Marta de Tera, and Mombuey, the weather changes with some rain and cooler temperatures at night. Then in Galicia, the weather is less varied. There will be sunny, cloudy and partly cloudy days, with some rain showers. The temperatures usually stay between 2°C and 14°C.
When you reach the last part of the Camino Sanabrés, in cities like Xunqueira de Ambía, Ourense, and Cea, the weather heats up to around 16°C. This area is typically sunny but might have a little more rain each day.
The last stop, Santiago de Compostela, has a mix of partly cloudy and cloudy days with some rain showers. The temperatures here are between 4°C and 15°C. During your journey, be ready for changing weather with some rain, different temperatures, and a mix of sun and clouds.
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