The weather on the Sanabrés ranges from sunny to cloudy, with some heavy rain. In November, daytime temperatures usually stay between 13-17°C, dropping to 5-9°C at night. There might be some rain, but usually less than 3 mm a day.
As you go west to Galicia, the weather is more varied. It rains more often, both light and heavy showers. Daily temperatures are similar to those in Castilla y León, but maybe a bit cooler, around 13-16°C, with night temperatures of 4-9°C. It also rains more in this area, up to 10.4 mm a day, especially in Santiago de Compostela.
In general, you'll see a mix of sun, clouds, and different amounts of rain during your trip. Daytime temperatures will be mild, but evenings and nights can get quite cold. Although the weather changes a lot, it's usually not extreme and roughly stays within these temperatures.
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