The weather on the Ruta del Padre Sarmiento in North-west Spain can change a lot. There's often rain, but sometimes there can be sunny and partly cloudy periods. So, be ready for any type of weather.
The temperature is usually comfortable for people walking this route. On average, it can be around 12-13°C during the day and 5-7°C at night, which is not too cold. However, in January, night temperatures can fall down to around 3°C.
There's also more rainfall at the start of the route in Pontevedra, averaging about 8.2 mm/day, increasing to 10 mm/day in A Illa de Arousa and Vilagacía de Arousa. But, when you reach Padrón and Santiago de Compostela in the second week, the rainfall decreases to about 4.6-4.7 mm/day.
Overall, expect a trip with different weather conditions, mostly rainy, but with pleasant temperatures for walking.
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