Weather forecast for the Ruta del Padre Sarmiento in May

On the Ruta del Padre Sarmiento, the weather changes a lot. When you start at Pontevedra, you might have sunny and rainy days. It's not too cold or hot in May (between 8°C and 17°C).

As you move south to Sanxenxo and O Grove, it's more sunny and sometimes it might rain hard. It gets a bit warmer (between 9°C and 21°C).

Next, when you go to the coast at Cambados and A Illa de Arousa, you'll have sunshine, sometimes it might be cloudy, and it can rain. It stays warm during the day (around 20°C) and a bit cooler at night (around 10°C).

Going towards Vilanova de Arousa and Vilagacia de Arousa, you might have more cloudy and rainy days, but also sunny days. The temperatures stay the same.

Last, when you go north to Padrón and Santiago de Compostela, you'll have more cloudy and rainy days. It's a bit cooler (between 8°C and 18°C) and it can rain more.

In general, on this route, you'll have sunny, cloudy, and rainy days with nice weather. You should be ready for rain at any time on your walk.

Start date
May 1
Start town
End date
May 9
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
193 km
Daily distance
21.4 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
5.0 mm/day

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