Weather forecast for the Shikoku Henro in April

Along the Shikoku Henro, you can expect a variety of weather conditions as you cross different regions of the island. Starting in Tokushima, the temperatures in April range from an average low of 9°C to a high of 15-17°C, with a mix of overcast days, partly cloudy skies, and occasional rain showers. Precipitation varies, typically averaging around 8.0 mm per day, but this can fluctuate.

As you move through Kamiita and Kamojima, the weather remains fairly consistent, with an average high of 16°C and similar precipitation patterns. You will encounter partly cloudy days interspersed with periods of sunshine and moderate rain.

In Kamiyama and continuing back through Tokushima to Komatsushima, the temperatures hold steady, and precipitation slightly decreases, averaging between 1.4 mm to 5.1 mm per day. You will experience a mix of sunny, cloudy, and occasionally rainy days.

Moving into the Kōchi Prefecture, the average highs rise slightly to about 19°C, with lows around 11°C. Kōchi and its neighboring regions like Tosa, Susaki, and Shimanto experience a mix of sunny days and moderate to heavy rain showers. Precipitation here is more variable, with some days seeing significant rainfall.

As you enter the Ehime Prefecture, in towns like Uwajima, Ōzu, and Matsuyama, the weather continues to vary between sunny and rainy days, with average highs around 19-20°C and lows around 11-14°C. Precipitation can increase, especially in Uwajima, where rain showers are more frequent.

Moving through locales like Imabari, Saijō, and Niihama, the temperatures remain mild, averaging 20°C during the day and about 12-13°C at night. The weather is generally sunny but interspersed with bouts of rain. Precipitation levels are moderate.

Finally, as you reach Kagawa Prefecture in towns like Takamatsu and Sanuki, the temperatures are slightly warmer, averaging around 21°C, with lows around 13-14°C. Expect a predominance of sunny days, though occasional rain showers and overcast skies are still common, with average daily precipitation around 4.0 mm.

Overall, the weather along the Shikoku Henro is mild in spring, with a mix of sun and rain, and occasional heavy showers. Temperature ranges are generally moderate.

Start date
Apr 1
Start town
End date
May 10
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
1122 km
Daily distance
28.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
5.6 mm/day

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