Weather forecast for the Shikoku Henro in January

The Shikoku Henro route circles Shikoku island, covering several areas with different weather. In January, temperatures range from about 2°C to 12°C, and rainfall varies by region.

In Tokushima Prefecture, temperatures are mild with highs of 9-10°C and lows of 4-5°C. Expect sunny, cloudy, and occasional rainy days.

Kamiita and Kamojima have similar temperatures, around 10°C for highs and 5°C for lows. The weather includes sunny, partly cloudy days, and possible rain.

In Kōchi Prefecture, it gets a bit warmer with highs of 10-12°C and lows of 4-6°C. There are many sunny days, but also moderate to heavy rain, especially in Minami and Sukumo.

Ehime Prefecture has varied weather. Uwajima and Ōzu see highs of 8-9°C and lows of 2-5°C, with more frequent rain and overcast skies.

In Kagawa Prefecture, temperatures are consistent, with highs of 8-9°C and lows of 2-3°C. The weather is partly cloudy and sunny, with some rain.

Overall, Shikoku Henro in January has cool temperatures, changing weather, and occasional rain.

Start date
Jan 1
Start town
End date
Feb 9
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
1122 km
Daily distance
28.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.2 mm/day

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