Weather forecast for the Shikoku Henro in November

The Shikoku Henro route covers different areas, so you'll face various weather conditions. Generally, the temperatures are mild but get cooler towards the end of the month.

In the eastern and central areas, like Tokushima and Kōchi, November usually has sunny or partly cloudy days. Highs are around 17-18°C, and lows are about 12-13°C. There may be occasional rain showers, but it's usually not too wet.

When you enter the western and northern parts, like Uwajima, Ōzu, and Matsuyama, it gets a bit cooler. Highs are around 16-17°C, and lows are about 9-11°C. These places still have sunny and partly cloudy days, but it may rain a bit more.

In areas like Niihama, Shikokuchūō, and Takamatsu, the weather is the coldest. Highs are around 11-13°C, and lows are about 6-8°C. You'll see more cloudy and rainy days, although you can still enjoy some sunny days.

Overall, expect cooler temperatures and a mix of sunny, cloudy, and rainy days.

Start date
Nov 1
Start town
End date
Dec 10
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
1122 km
Daily distance
28.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.8 mm/day

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