Weather forecast for the South West Coast Path in January

The South West Coast Path along the southwestern coast of England usually has cool and wet weather. As you walk through areas like Somerset, North Devon, and Cornwall, expect daily high temperatures of 7°C to 10°C, and lows of 3°C to 8°C.

It's often rainy on this path, with rain almost every day of different intensities. The sky is usually cloudy, with occasional light rain and heavier showers. There are some brief moments of sunshine, especially in places like Porlock Weir, but sunny days and clear skies are rare.

In Cornwall, at the end of your journey, temperatures slightly rise, with highs around 10°C. However, the frequent rain, cloudy skies, and heavy showers continue.

Overall, be ready for cool and wet weather with varying amounts of rain. Some days might be particularly wet, while others could have short periods of partly cloudy or sunny weather.

Start date
Jan 1
Start town
End date
Feb 21
End town
South Haven Point
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
1009 km
Daily distance
19.4 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.8 mm/day

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