Weather forecast for the South West Coast Path in June

The South West Coast Path follows the beautiful and rugged coastline of South West England. It starts in Minehead, Somerset, and goes through Devon and Cornwall.

The weather is usually mild, with average high temperatures between 16-20°C and the lowest between 9-15°C. Being close to the sea helps keep temperatures steady.

Rain is common on this path. You can expect different types of rain, from light drizzle to heavy showers and cloudy skies. Light rain happens often everywhere along the route, while heavier rain is more common in places like Braunton and Instow. Some parts of Cornwall may be a bit drier but can still get moderate showers.

You will also have sunny and partly cloudy days, especially as you move deeper into Cornwall, near places like Sennen Cove and Pendeen.

Overall, the weather doesn’t change much. Be ready for frequent switches between rain and clear skies, and always expect some rain no matter where you are on the path.

Start date
Jun 1
Start town
End date
Jul 22
End town
South Haven Point
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
1009 km
Daily distance
19.4 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.1 mm/day

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