In April, the St. Olavsleden route has cool weather. Daytime temperatures are between 2°C and 9°C, and nighttime temperatures range from -4°C to 1°C. You will encounter a mix of cloudy skies, some sunshine, and different kinds of precipitation like rain, freezing rain, and occasional snow.
During the beginning of the route in areas like Selånger, Matfors, and Stöde, daytime temperatures are around 4°C and night temperatures from -2°C to -3°C. There's moderate precipitation, between 0.4 mm and 0.8 mm per day, with both cloudy and partly cloudy days, and sometimes light freezing rain and snow.
Further along the route, in areas like Fränsta, Borgsjö, and Länsgränsen, the weather is similar, but precipitation increases to about 2.7 mm per day. There are more overcast days, and light freezing rain and moderate snow are common.
In the central and western parts of the route, including Åre, Tännforsen, and Medstugan, nights are slightly colder with lows down to -4°C. Daytime temperatures are between 2°C and 4°C. Precipitation can be high, up to 4.4 mm per day in some places like Sul. Overcast skies are frequent, with regular rain and snow.
In the later stages, such as Vuku, Stiklestad, and Munkeby, temperatures rise a bit, with highs around 8°C to 9°C and lows around 0°C to 1°C. Precipitation is still high, between 2.0 mm and 2.8 mm per day, with many overcast days and some sunshine.
Towards the end, in places like Ranheim and Nidaros, temperatures are milder and rainfall is moderate. There are frequent rainy days but also some sunny or partly cloudy days.
Overall, April on the St. Olavsleden route has varied weather with cool temperatures and different types of precipitation. Be prepared for frequent weather changes.
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