The St. Olavsleden route starts in Selånger and goes through parts of Sweden and Norway. In February, the weather is typically cold and cloudy.
From Selånger to Fränsta, temperatures range from highs of -3°C to -7°C and lows of -9°C to -13°C. There is often light freezing rain and some snow.
From Borgsjö to Brunflo, temperatures are similar with highs from -4°C to -7°C and lows between -10°C and -9°C. Light freezing rain and overcast skies are common.
In Östersund and towards Hålland, it is still cold. Highs range from -5°C to -3°C and lows from -10°C to -7°C. The skies are mostly cloudy with occasional sun and light snow or rain.
As you enter Norway from Vuku to Nidaros, temperatures get slightly warmer, with highs near 0°C to 1°C and lows around -5°C to -4°C. The weather is more variable with a mix of freezing rain, overcast skies, and occasional snow or rain, especially near the coast.
Overall, the St. Olavsleden in February has cold temperatures, cloudy skies, and a mix of light rain and snow, with slightly warmer and more varied weather as you get closer to the Norwegian coast.
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