The St. Olavsleden route in June has mixed weather, with a lot of rain and mild temperatures. Traveling from Selånger to Nidaros, you will see partly cloudy days, some sun, and a range of rain showers.
Starting in Selånger and Borgsjö, expect temperatures between 15°C to 17°C during the day and 6°C to 8°C at night, with frequent rain, either light or moderate.
In the middle of the route, around Östersund and Nälden, temperatures are similar, with highs of 14°C to 17°C and lows of 7°C to 8°C. Rain increases here, with heavy showers more often.
In the final part from Åre to Nidaros, temperatures stay around 12°C to 16°C during the day and 6°C at night. Rain is more consistent and heavier as you near the end.
Be prepared for various weather. You’ll mostly see patchy to heavy rain, with some sunny and partly cloudy moments.
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