The St. Olavsleden route goes from Sweden to Norway and usually has mild spring weather in May. Pilgrims can expect daily temperatures from 9°C to 17°C, with lows between 0°C and 7°C. Rain is common, averaging 1.2 mm to 4.0 mm per day. The weather can be cloudy, partly cloudy, or sunny, with varying rain showers from light to heavy.
In Sweden, May weather is cool with highs around 9°C to 11°C and lows near freezing, getting slightly warmer as you head west. Rain happens often but is usually light, with occasional moderate and heavy showers.
As you move into Norway, temperatures get warmer, especially near the coast where highs can reach 17°C, and lows are around 6°C to 7°C. Rain remains frequent and sometimes heavier. There is more sunshine as you near the end of the route in Norway.
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