The St. Olavsleden route starts in central Sweden, where the weather is mild. High temperatures average around 16°C, with lows between 6-9°C. You’ll get some rain, about 1.3 to 3.7 mm/day, along with sunny, partly cloudy, and a few heavy rain days.
In the middle section, it gets cooler. Highs are around 13-15°C, and lows are 4-8°C. Rain increases slightly, about 2 to 4 mm/day, with more cloudy and rainy days.
Near the end, as you reach the border and enter Norway, it becomes colder. Highs are 9-12°C, and lows are 3-6°C. It rains more, between 3.6 to 6.3 mm/day, with moderate to heavy showers and mostly cloudy skies.
So, the St. Olavsleden route starts off mild in Sweden and gets cooler and wetter as you move towards Norway. Be ready for changing weather during your journey.
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