Weather forecast for the Camino del Sureste in July

In July, the Camino del Sureste route mostly has sunny weather. It starts in Alicante where sometimes there are few clouds or light rain. Temperatures range from 22°C to 28°C.

The weather increases slightly in Orito and Petrer, with more clouds and chances of rain in Petrer. Temperatures can range from 20°C to 30°C.

In Villena and Yecla, the sun is usually strong with chances of rain. It can heat up to 32°C with cooler nights around 20°C.

In Montealegre del Castillo and Pétrola, there's a slight chance for more rainy days. High temperatures are about 33°C and it can cool down to 19-20°C at night.

In Albacete, the weather is mixed, with sunny days, cloudy skies, and the possibility for heavy rain. Temperatures mostly stay around 33°C during the day, and 19°C at night. Temperature generally increases along the route in July, while rainfall varies in different parts along the way.

Start date
Jul 1
Start town
End date
Jul 7
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
173 km
Daily distance
24.7 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
0.2 mm/day

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