Weather forecast for the Camino del Sureste in June

In Alicante, it's often sunny and sometimes it rains. The temperatures are generally between 18°C and 24°C, and it doesn't rain much.

Next, you'll reach Orito town. Here, you'll likely see a lot of sun but there might be some cloud or rain. It's a little hotter here, with a daytime average of 25°C and 18°C at night.

The path goes on to Petrer and Villena. Here, it's usually a bit hotter with temperatures between at night 17°C and 26°C during the day. You can also expect some rain, especially in Petrer.

When you get to Yecla and Montealegre del Castillo, there's usually a lot of sun. But, there can be some heavier rain. Temperatures range from 15°C to 27°C.

Finally, in Pétrola and Albacete where your trip ends, you'll likely see a mix of sun and clouds, with a small chance of rain. It's warmer here with temperatures up to 27°C. Nights are cooler, though, around 15°C. It doesn't rain much here, normally less than 1mm a day.

So, the weather on the Camino del Sureste path is usually warm and sunny with a little rain.

Start date
Jun 1
Start town
End date
Jun 7
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
173 km
Daily distance
24.7 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.6 mm/day

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