The Camino del Sureste has a lot of sunny weather. Most days are around 25°C. You will feel it getting a little less hot as you get near Albacete.
You'll start in Alicante, where it's sunny most of the time but also a few cloudy days. There could be some rain, but not much, about 0.9 mm/day. During the night it's about 20°C, and during the day it's about 26°C.
Next, you'll go through Orito and Petrer. It's mostly sunny here too, but sometimes partly cloudy. Here, it also doesn't rain much, less than 1 mm/day on average.
Then, you go to Villena and Yecla. The weather is the same as before, sunny and warm with little rain. At night, it's about 16°C.
The last part of your journey is through Montealegre del Castillo and Pétrola. The weather is still mostly sunny here. When you arrive in Albacete, it's hot, sunny, and sometimes cloudy. There could be some rain, but not usually, just 0.3 mm/day on average.
So on the Camino del Sureste, you will have mostly sunny and warm weather, with some clouds. It can rain but not often. It's cooler at night, and in the daytime, it's generally warm.
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