Weather forecast for the Camino Torres in February

The Camino Torres in February predominantly traverses through the regions of Castile and León, northern Portugal, and Galicia in Spain.

In Castile and León, expect cool temperatures with average highs around 9°C and lows between 0°C and 4°C. Precipitation is relatively low, with occasional moderate rain and a mix of sunny and overcast days. This part of the route can see patchy rain and sometimes even light freezing rain, particularly early in the month.

As the path moves into northern Portugal, temperatures slightly increase, with average highs between 11°C and 13°C and lows generally around 4°C. The weather is more variable, with a notable mix of sunny days and potential for moderate or heavy rain showers. While precipitation is more significant in this region, sunny spells are frequent and can provide pleasant breaks in the weather.

Entering Galicia, the weather remains cool but is often wetter compared to the previous regions. Average highs are around 14°C to 15°C, with lows around 6°C. The rain here can be more pronounced, with frequent moderate to heavy rain showers, although sunny and partly cloudy days are also common. The precipitation levels are slightly higher, making it a good idea to be prepared for occasional rainfall throughout this section.

Overall, the Camino Torres in February presents a variety of weather conditions, with cool temperatures and a mix of rain and sunshine across the regions it traverses.

Start date
Feb 1
Start town
End date
Feb 23
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
585 km
Daily distance
25.4 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
4.7 mm/day

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