Weather forecast for the Camino Torres in March

The Camino Torres begins in the autonomous community of Castile and León, specifically in Salamanca. This region typically experiences cool temperatures in March, with average highs around 12°C and lows around 2°C. Precipitation is moderate, with a mix of cloudy, partly cloudy, and rainy days, including occasional overcast and sunny periods.

As you continue westward and cross into Portugal, the route passes through varied landscapes from Robliza de Cojos to Braga. Here, temperatures are similar to those in Castile and León, averaging around 10-16°C during the day and about 3-6°C at night. You can expect slightly higher precipitation levels, especially in areas like Aldea del Obispo and Mesão Frio, with rain appearing more frequently in various forms like showers and light drizzles, balanced by frequent sunny days.

The final leg of the Camino Torres takes you into Galicia, Spain, where the weather remains cool but slightly milder. Daytime temperatures hover around 14-18°C, with nighttime lows averaging between 5-8°C. This region sees a significant amount of sunny days, interspersed with overcast skies and occasional heavy rains or showers, resulting in a higher overall precipitation. As you approach Santiago de Compostela, the weather exhibits greater variability with a recurring pattern of cloudy, misty, and rainy conditions.

Overall, the route covers regions with generally moderate but varied weather conditions in March, featuring a mix of sunny, cloudy, and rainy days, along with cool temperatures that warm slightly as you travel westward.

Start date
Mar 1
Start town
End date
Mar 23
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
585 km
Daily distance
25.4 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.3 mm/day

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