The Camino Torres begins in the autonomous community of Castile and León, Spain. During November, expect mild temperatures with average highs between 12°C to 17°C and lows ranging from 5°C to 9°C. Rain is quite common, especially towards the end of the period, with precipitation ranging from light showers to heavy rainfall. You will generally experience mixed weather, including sunny days, overcast skies, and patchy rain.
As you progress into Portugal, particularly in regions like Coimbra and northern Portugal, the weather stays relatively similar. You will find average temperatures ranging from 11°C to 18°C for highs and 5°C to 9°C for lows. This part of the route sees frequent rainy conditions, with moderate to heavy rain showers being typical, interspersed with sunny and partly cloudy days.
Arriving in Galicia, Spain, expect a continuation of rainy weather, often with heavy showers. The temperatures here are slightly cooler, with average highs around 12°C to 16°C and lows from 6°C to 10°C. Overcast skies dominate, but occasional sunny spells do occur. This region tends to have higher precipitation, and you should be prepared for consistent, sometimes intense, rainfall.
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