Weather forecast for the Camino Torres in October

The Camino Torres is a route that traverses various regions of Spain and Portugal, leading into Galicia and ultimately arriving at Santiago de Compostela. The journey kicks off in the province of Salamanca, part of the autonomous community of Castile and León. Here, the weather in October typically involves a mix of sunny and partly cloudy days, with daytime temperatures averaging around 23°C and nighttime lows around 12°C. Precipitation is generally low, but rain can occasionally make an appearance.

Continuing into Portugal, the journey covers regions like Pinhel, Trancoso, and Braga. The weather remains relatively stable with an average high of around 22°C and lows hovering around 11-13°C. This area experiences somewhat higher precipitation, with occasional moderate to heavy rain showers becoming more frequent. Sunny days are interspersed with cloudy or partly cloudy conditions.

As the route moves into the northern part of Portugal and crosses into Galicia, Spain, the climate becomes noticeably wetter. Places like Tui and Pontevedra typically see an increase in rainy days, with moderate or heavy rain showers more prevalent. Temperatures drop slightly, averaging around 19°C during the day and 12°C at night.

Upon reaching Galicia, the weather remains variable with a notable uptick in rainfall. Santiago de Compostela experiences frequent rain showers, with average daily highs of about 17°C and lows around 10°C. Rain is more common here, often moderate to heavy, and sunny days become more infrequent.

Overall, the Camino Torres offers a blend of sunny and wet weather, with temperatures gradually decreasing and rainfall increasing as you move from Salamanca through northern Portugal and into Galicia.

Start date
Oct 1
Start town
End date
Oct 23
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
585 km
Daily distance
25.4 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
5.4 mm/day

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