Weather forecast for the Camino Vasco del Interior in April

If you plan to walk the Camino Vasco del Interior, you'll face different kinds of weather. The first part of the journey, around Irún and Hernani, usually has mixed weather. You'll find a combination of cloudy, rainy weather with temperatures around the mid-teens during the day, going down to around 8°C at night.

As you continue to places like Tolosa and Beasain, you might face some heavy rain, lighter rain and even a bit of freezing rain. It also gets cooler here, with average high temperatures around 13°C.

The next part of your journey will take you to Zegama and Salvatierra, where the weather changes a bit. Here, you will find a mix of cloudy and sunny days, along with moderate heavy rain showers. The day temperatures remain from 14-15°C, but the night is cooler at around 4-5°C.

The last part of the trail through Vitoria, La Puebla de Arganzón, and Burgos has mixed weather too. Sunny days are often, but you could also encounter light rain and cloudy weather. The day temperatures remain in the mid-teens and night temperatures around 3-5°C. It's usually less rainy in these places.

In short, when traveling the Camino Vasco del Interior in April, you'll face days with both rain and sun, and the temperatures will be cool to moderate.

Start date
Apr 1
Start town
End date
Apr 12
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
253 km
Daily distance
21.1 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.1 mm/day

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